3. Comparison Grid 


Detailed Analysis of Some Packages: the Grid

The content of this review has been double-checked with the producers of the packages.

The evaluation grid contains many numbered items with subitems, which can be read as: "does the package offer this functionality?".
Usually, when a package offers the mentioned feature, its grid shows the same number of the item/question, often with comments; reciprocally, when the number of the issue is absent, it means that the feature is lacking within the package

             Bibus®              Multiplatform -Windows, Mac, GNU-Linux- v. (2009)
             EndNote Web®              web based: 2.8 (2009)
             RefWorks® web-based:  v.  5.0 (2007); current release is: January 2009
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             EndNote ® Windows:  v.  X3 (13) (2009);  Mac OS X:  v. X3 (13) (2009)
             Reference Manager ® Windows:  v.  12 (2008)


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