1.1.19. Synthesis, evaluation, analysis

Since the beginning I have received messages from readers suggesting that I should add to the template a clear and concise assessment of the analyzed products. But I have chosen not to depart from the different "analytic evaluation" approach with which I started and have stuck to my guns.

Interested readers might read through the sections and the cells of the template and then have many elements to make their own judgment. This would be much better than supplying a "concise assessment".  Also, often users don't ask for generic statements, they make inquiries about specific, if not finical, points: "does it do this in a way that I can do that?"

One goal of the template is to show that if you stay on the surface, asking only general questions, you end by finding that all the products look almost identical.
Another goal of the tempalte would be to be used as an empty grid where any user can use it and write down the answers for products that have not been analyzed here.

Others, many, have asked me: 'I wonder why you did not evaluate X ... or ...Y': the answer is simple and can read dim: simply because it takes so much work to do it and keep it updated.

I think that the "80/20 per cent rule" could be easily applied here: I guess I could analyze 80% of a given software package in the 20% of the time it requires me to analyze, double-check and write down about the whole 100% I deal with. 

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